Friday, August 5, 2011

Slow world @ Phranakorn Nonlen

I actually stayed at this place two weeks ago but just have time to blog about it while packing up for this weekend stay! So it may be after finishing this blig, I will begin bloging about the new stay right away. Sprry about that. Anyway, back to that weekend, I Planed to stay slow at this ECO Homestay called Phranakorn Nonlen. The name itself got me years ago when I heard it first time. It means the place for loungy stay, easy sleep and chilling in the Phranakorn district which was BKK old City. And time by time, I have learnt all of their special uniqueness way to run this place. I fell in love with the concept of their SLOW life.

I have to admit that the hand illustration/painting in Phranakorn Nonlen must be one of its signature. The vision of the space developer would not be completed without these wonderful artworks. Every walls are covered by the artwork illustrating the story of our old Phranakorn lifestyle. Each room referred to each business in the past, the bookstore, the carema shop and what we got is the Fish shop called Pla Nakorn, means Fish City.

In our room are full with fish tanks illustration and other great fun artworks such as the typewriter, the clock with lovely butterfly. Reviewing these via the pics on my blog may not excite you because there are other places around BKK and other city in Thailand have the same style of painting and same concept of back to the old time of Thailand. BUT, it is so much different when you know that this place certainly has style and taste, and must reflected from the owner/ developer. All seems right and clean and enough to make you fall in love quietly, slowly and strongly.

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We have the breakfast included in our rate and it was not disappointed. Very healthy, tasty and right amount to begin your day. What I like about this Homestay is this common area that feels like a school canteen, which everyone sits, eats and enjoys the great conversation here. We sat there the whole morning and realizes that most of the guests are from Europe and they all come with small young kids. YES, this is such a great place for treveling with your kids. They must feel like it is a toy world for them, just not TOYRUS type, it is Thai R Us type.

I could not say enough via this blog all the wonderful things about this place but just to mark it as one of my favorite spot in BKK! And certainly will come back for sure and more regular. Other interesting things about Phranakorn Nonlen is that they offer the lovely workshop for their guests. I signed up for the Soap making which not yet been participated. I wish I could do it this weekday and will make the soap for my Mom as the Thai mother day is approaching.

The white bright and airy room is a sewing workshop. This could be a really nice crafty class but they told me that they are waiting for the owner to come back and operate it ( after her first baby delivery soon)

For you who want to learn more about this place, their website is worth to visit. Definitely great style and fun to navigate. It is really a nice weekend journey added in to my mini vacation world and wish to share to you all, this lovely hidden gem in BKK.

Slow weekend world @ Phranakorn Nonlen by KanJANA

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